Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Service Agencies Essay

Human service agencies are formed by and for the public. As communities grow and change, the need to respond to the demands of these dynamic societies also increases. Not only does the society lay itself open to positive opportunities, it is also exposed to the negative drawbacks of this dynamism. In fact, there are so many social issues that individuals alone cannot resolve. These are matters concerning the society that need sufficient and appropriate attention also from the society. These agencies do serve as intermediaries between solutions to problems and individuals, families, and societies. There are many issues that individuals, families and societies have that need communal action. I believe that these important issues include the most rampant problems nowadays encountered by people. Even the simplest problems like underage alcoholism, drug dependence, compulsive gambling, widespread crimes†¦ these are social issues that need immediate attention. Issues starting in individuals or within families also necessitate consideration. Some of these are problems of child and women abuse, violence within and outside families, severe and persistent illnesses, including contagious ones, severe emotional disturbances experienced by people, and the like. I think, these ‘simple’ matters must be acted upon immediately by service organizations like human service agencies. This is to mediate and assure proper assistance to individuals and families, thereby assuring their safety, peacefulness, health and wellness, and the society’s as well. I also believe that there are no least important issues, as long as individuals or families, or members of the society are involved, they are considered issues that must be resolved†¦ immediately. I arrived at this standpoint because I myself am a member of this society. Directly or indirectly, I rely and I may rely in the future in these human service agencies for betterment, improvement, protection and the like. And I must not be concerned only about myself but also about the welfare of the whole society.

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